Lets Support SDO "同Sing 同戲2025" Together!!!
IDS is excited to sponsor a singing contest "同Sing 同戲2025" held from SDO, IVE. The passion. music talent and creativity of our youth are capturing our attention truly. We are looking forward to a great performance in March. Let's enjoy together!!!

Hong Kong China International Tattoo Exhibition 2024 - Tickets Are Now Available!"
Admission ticket for "Hong Kong China International Tattoo Exhibition 2024" is now available. To purchase, please visit
《香港中國國際紋身展 2024》雲集多個著名紋身師 現場近距離欣賞高手作品
以往每年的紋身比賽都為世界各地紋身師提供一個展示他們最新作品的機會。今年紋身比賽繼續分黑白組、 彩色組與歐美組三個組別,將會一如而往吸引不少紋身大師及新晉紋身師參賽於台上較量一番,大家可近距離瓜賞及了解不同紋身風格。
部份出席《香港中國國際紋身展 2024》國際紋身師 (次序不分先後):
Davee Blows @ Davee Blows Tattoo,波蘭
Marko Stamenkovic @ Tattoo Factory,泰國
Sousyu Hayashi @ Sousyu Hayashi Tattoo,日本
Nicckuhori @ Galaxy Tattoo 2,新加坡
Sajin @ Hybrid Ink,韓國
Bez@Triplesix Studio,英國
小龍 @ 龍綉堂,中國
Terzotattoo @ Mean Machine Tattoo Studio,塞爾維亞
王雷 @ 雷勢文化,中國
George @ David George Tattoo,中國
Zumiism @ Zumiism Tattoo,韓國
Mateusz Kanu @ Too Hard To Find Tattoo Shop,波蘭
Hernan Chang @ Tattooism,韓國
Oravecz @ Oravecz Tattoo,匈牙利
Farkas @ Smaller Than 3,匈牙利
Moanatoa @ OZ Tattoo Shop,法國
Sophie Lopez @ OZ Tattoo Shop,法國
高雅 @ 著刺青,台灣
香港中國國際紋身展 2024
時間:10月4日(星期五) 11am – 9pm |10月5日(星期六) 11am – 9pm|10月6日(星期日) 11am – 7pm
地點:灣仔會議展覽中心 5G 展廳
由即日起至 9 月 1 日,早鳥門票於 優先發售:
一日門票 8 折早鳥優惠 HK$160(原價 HK$200)
三日門票 8 折早鳥優惠 HK$240(原價 HK$300) ...
原文網址:《香港中國國際紋身展 2024》雲集多個著名紋身師 現場近距離欣賞高手作品 - 新浪香港 (

今年《香港中國國際紋身展2024》將於10月4至6日,一連三日選址灣仔會議展覽中心 5G 展廳舉行!今年大會就邀請了來自世界各地包括中國、日本、台灣、塞爾維亞、波蘭、新加坡、匈牙利、泰國、法國、英國等逾60位紋身師參展,將紋身師們聚首一堂,提供更大的平台予世界各地的紋身師匯聚交流,亦讓一眾本地紋身師向大眾一展材藝,一眾紋身愛好者亦可以即場進行紋身!...

Old mental hospital in Hong Kong seen in a new light
Hong Kong has a new visitor attraction – and it’s all about love.
Local architect Stanley Siu has combined art, architecture and technology elements to transform the facade of the 1892 Old Mental Hospital - a popular spot for pre-wedding shoots - in the Sai Ying Pun Community Complex...
Media reference: Old mental hospital in Hong Kong seen in a new light: Travel Weekly Asia (

夜繽紛 | 廟街夜市延長至12月!設32個美食攤檔+4大打卡點!爆紅手打檸檬茶 / 300米燈籠海 / 老香港特色發光打卡藝術裝置

廟街夜繽紛|全新發光藝術裝置 8大打卡位全攻略

Temple Street night market: Hong Kong's revamped attraction officially kicks off
Featuring over 30 stalls with various food offerings
The newly revamped Temple Street night market is officially open! As part of the government's Night Vibes campaign to boost its night-time economy, the famous market attraction on Temple Street has been transformed into a multicultural food market to showcase the rich diversity of cultures in Hong Kong. Stretching from Jordan Road to Nanking Street, the market spans approximately 100 metres and takes inspiration from Taiwan's Shilin Night Market to offer a wide array of delicacies...
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